If the Wind Blows in Elefsina - EU・ジャパンフェスト日本委員会

If the Wind Blows in Elefsina

Mariko Hori|Artist

I had the privilege to bring my project, ‘If the Wind Blows,’ to life in Eleusis as part of the 2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture events, thanks to the generous support from the EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee.

The concept for ‘If the Wind Blows’ originated in 2019, just before the onset of the epidemic. It delves into the intricate relationship between language and the city, inspired by the well-known Japanese proverb, ‘if the wind blows, the barrel makers prosper.’ While many Japanese are familiar with the phrase, its true origin and meaning remain obscured, possibly due to its seeming impracticality in modern society. My goal was to rejuvenate this proverb into a contemporary version, starting with ‘if the wind blows…’ and concluding with a new sentence.

However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic added an unexpected layer of significance to the project. In Japanese, the words for ‘cold’ as an illness and ‘wind’ share the same sound, leading me to metaphorically view the pandemic as a wind-blowing event.

M169 If The Wind Blows ©︎ Mariko Hori

In 2021, I initiated the first versions of the project in Florence, Italy, a city rich in linguistic history. Since then, my aspiration has been to extend this project to other cities. The context of European Capitals of Culture, coupled with Eleusis’s unique history and character, provided the ideal backdrop for this endeavor.

Eleusis proved to be an exceptionally unique and evocative location, blending its coastline, profound historical significance, and remnants of ancient times with an industrial ambiance, making it the perfect setting for European Capital of Culture events.

The creation of a new proverb and the narrative in between emerged through dialogues with the local people of Eleusis. It reflected the current situation and pondered on the potential outcomes of extraordinary events like the recent pandemic and participation in the European Capital of Culture. I see these transition periods as moments when the wind is blowing, and I believe unexpected benefits can arise.

During my research in Eleusis, the assistance of professional translators was invaluable in conducting interviews with local residents. The locals initially seemed reserved, but the translators, armed with humor, transformed the interactions into poetic exchanges. These communications left a profound impact, sometimes evoking a sense of helplessness regarding pollution.

While exploring the town for inspiration, I encountered a shepherd and his sheep, living in a traditional manner. The sight of sheep grazing in front of decaying ships was particularly striking.

The culmination of these interactions resulted in a new proverb: ‘If the wind blows, sheep graze upon the ships.’ It encapsulates the idea that the wind brings change; If the wind blows, it may flutter Demeter’s skirt, dispersing the seeds that will nurture the culture.

The wind brings the scent of the sea and the sounds of the factories to the city. These two different realities of Eleusis, where the past meet the present.

We should motivate ourselves to effect positive change; It should be manifested in everyday life, and not just through spoken words.

Foreign influences can bring both the good and the bad. It is essential that the newly spread seeds are beneficial and will sprout harmoniously with Eleusis and its existing culture. We also need to consider the local people and other living beings, remnants of a more traditional way of life, such as the shepherds and the sheep. The seeds will also provide sufficient and more nutritious food for the sheep, and Eleusis will require more soil to support the newly-spouted greenery.

The ships at VLYCHA Graveyard have found new purpose, as they host some soil. These half-sunken, rusted, old ships now have a new life.

A unique landscape, where sheep graze upon the ships.

M169 If The Wind Blows MAIN PHOTO ©︎MarikoHori

This story was shared in Greek, English, and Japanese, with recorded voices becoming part of the sound installation. Despite my struggle with gastroenteritis during the exhibition’s preparation, professional assistance ensured a smooth process.

I hope ‘If the Wind Blows’ left a lasting impression, especially on the locals, motivating them in some way. The 2023 Eleusis plays a crucial role in the future, not only for Eleusis but for the entire country and beyond.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the professional team of 2023 Eleusis, who, despite their apparent busyness, curated a multitude of beautiful events. I wish for the events of the European Capital of Culture to usher in a successful and positive transition for Eleusis.