“To sing” - What lies beyond - EU・ジャパンフェスト日本委員会

“To sing” – What lies beyond

Sachiko Meger|Musical conductor, Tokorozawa Fény Children's Choir

It was around late November that we were formally invited to participate in Veszprém 2023. It was with Covid raging again, but we felt we had no option but to accept. There were many children waiting for “my turn at last!”.  Tokorozawa Fény Childrens Choir has now been on six expeditions abroad. We have heard the stories from the children when they return from the trips, have seen their expressions and singing voices improved.  The words of the children with excitement – “I’m so glad I took the plunge and went on the expedition!”, that has given a positive impression to the younger ones.

We thought that not many children would be able to go in May because of the many school events happening in the month. However, with a happy surprise, we had 41 children who signed up to join! The neighbouring countries on the map were in the very midst of a war situation, so the concerns of the parents who would send them off was immeasurable. Contrary to expectation, the questions from them such as “What will you do if something goes wrong?!”, were not raised. We were very grateful and sincerely thankful for their understanding. This kind of trust between us, the teachers and the parents, has been one of Fény’s most precious treasures for many years. We promised them that we will make sure to bring all these children back safely, to do our best to make this expedition the best it could be for every child!

Singing practice began at the beginning of April. The children nervously removed their masks. It had been a long time since their faces were uncovered for such a long, continuous period. I couldn’t help but laugh at the children who said they had forgotten how to breathe. It certainly felt strange and we started by rehabilitating their facial muscles in front of a mirror. As the children had not been able to practise together for the past few years, there were many “hi’s” to each other here and there. There were many challenges we had to work on for us to become one solid team in a month and a half.

Is there a song that can unite the hearts of children who have difficulty opening their hearts to each other, allowing them to express their honest feelings? When I was thinking about it, I came up with ‘Chikyusei-ka’ composed by “Mimasu”. With its simple melody and lyrics, easily reaching the hearts of the children, I was sure they would love it! My intuition was absolutely right. As soon as each child started to feel something and put their feelings into the song, their expressions started to change and a rich sound was born. I had never heard that before. A gentle atmosphere dramatically began to flow and the children found themselves getting close to each other!

Another reason for choosing ‘Chikyusei-ka‘ was its theme of ‘peace’. What we could do, even if in a very small way, through the choir, was to put our wish for ‘peace’ into the song. Thanks to the heartfelt and wonderful commentary by Ms. Ági, we were able to convey the meaning of the lyrics more clearly. The concert performance of the ‘Chikyusei-ka‘ was exceptional. Even though we didn’t speak the same language, our thoughts and the thoughts of those who listened to us overlapped and empathised with each other through the music. Everyone there was filled with an indescribable warmth. The happy and contented faces of the children were something can only be seen outside of Japan! They were so cute I wanted to watch them forever. I was filled with heartfelt gratitude for the happiness of being there.

Concert ©Tokorozawa Fény Children’s Choir


Speaking of things I could only see overseas, I was astonished by the children dancing so well! They were sweating at the dance parties night after night… many of them I could not imagine seeing like that in Japan. I was happy to see that this might be their true colours. I felt it was a shame that this cannot be seen in Japan. Perhaps it is because of our cultural background where modesty is a virtue, or perhaps it is due to the influence of the Japanese culture of harmony. In the field of education, ‘harmony’ is more sought after than ‘individuality’. Japanese children are so concerned about the others that they are forced to behave in the same way as those around them and not disrupt the circle. They seem to have shut down their independence and positive attitude. Sometimes it is important to come into line with the others and to read between the lines, but that should not always be. Through the experience the children had in Veszprém, many of them may have realised that if they have the courage to enjoy interacting with others, they can open a new door in themselves to meet a completely new self. I would like them to challenge themselves in many things without hesitation before they grow up. I also hope that a new style of education will be established in Japan in the future. A style values and nurtures each “individuality” while preserving the good qualities of our culture.

“Music is for everyone.”, said Kodály Zoltán.  As if to symbolise it, I felt a delightful sense of unity with the audience at every performance. Our final chorus at SOHO PARTY made me wish I could take the whole audience back to Japan! “You should definitely put this song in the programme!” I am grateful to Júlia, who excitedly (laugh) suggested it to me the day before the concert! The next time they come to Japan, I would like to return the kindness to Ms. Ági and the wonderful children of VVV Kórus who prepared a wonderful concert.

I would like to share a message from Tomoko, the interpreter who helped us during our stay –

“I believe that the children of Fény will have a happy future with such a wonderful group of friends (society).”  

This is what we have been aiming for for 25 years! I was so happy to receive this message that I jumped up and down.

Hungarian Night © Tokorozawa Fény Children’s Choir

Through a variety of touching experiences from this trip, the children were able to feel the joy of connecting with others and the pleasure of personal growth. Carrying this experience, I believe they are able to respect themselves and move forward in a positive way towards their unlimited potential.

What lies beyond “singing” is, indeed, a “happy life”! Keeping their favourite songs as their ‘foundation’, we couldn’t be happier if we could help children to build their own bright future.

In closing, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the team of EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee office, to the host families, to Ms. Ági and the children of VVV Kórus, and to everyone who worked so hard on the Veszprém expedition. We sincerely hope that these wonderful activities will continue in the future. Thank you very much.