#MeetArtist: 震える空〜Vibrating Sky by 86B210
The avant-garde dance duo 86B210 will present their work “Vibrating Sky”! After a sudden cancellation of the premiere in Estonia in 2020, due to the covid-19, the work will finally be performed in front of the audience in Japan. Then it will tour Estonia, France and Switzerland next year. Please check it out!!
★Message from Artist★
Thread, light, night, moon, point, root, dark, morning, wave Do you hear it…my voice?
Before meaning, do you feel the touch, the connection, the secure embrace?
In your voice I awake, life rises.
Someone dips into that stream and wets his throat.
A joyful song echoes. Resonate.
-If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Nikola Tesla
Vibrating Sky
【Dates】26~27 Nov. 2021
【Venue】Art Space Co-oh
【Details and reservation】http://www.cooh-studio.com/vibrating-sky
Meet Up Profile: https://eu-japanfest.org/meet-up/artist/profile/217
#86B210 #vibratingsky #connectedtoeachother