Anko's decision to take her rakugo piece, "Hokusai's Daughter," to Europe is deeply rooted in the broader issue of women's historical overshadowing by their more famous male counterparts. Through the lens of Katsushika Ōi, the talented yet underrecognized daughter of the illustrious Hokusai, Anko seeks to spotlight the rich, yet often neglected, contributions of women to art and culture. This initiative resonates with a critical examination of the identity challenges women have historically faced when in relationships with famous men. Such dynamics have often led to women's talents being overlooked, their identities submerged beneath the achievements of their male relatives or partners.
The story of Katsushika Ōi provides a poignant example of a woman who, despite her immense talent and contributions in the field of painting, was overshadowed by her father. The European presentation of "Hokusai's Daughter" will serve as a catalyst for dialogue with the countless women whose accomplishments have been disparaged because of their publicly recognized association with men.
This endeavour is not just about unearthing the hidden stories of artistic and intellectual women; it is also about challenging and changing the narrative, allowing these women their rightful place in history. Anko's work highlights the importance of looking beyond the surface to recognize and appreciate the depth and breadth of contributions women have made, despite the societal and personal struggles they faced. It is a call to action to reexamine and revalue the roles of women in history, to ensure their talents, struggles, and achievements are not forgotten but celebrated and studied alongside their male counterparts.
By sharing "Hokusai's Daughter" with a European audience, Anko not only honours the legacy of Katsushika Ōi but also sparks a vital dialogue about gender, creativity, and recognition in the arts. It is a reminder that the story of art and human achievement is incomplete without acknowledging the contributions of women, often hidden in the shadows of famous men. Through this international engagement, Anko aspires to inspire a re-evaluation of historical narratives, fostering a more inclusive appreciation of cultural heritage that duly recognizes the contributions of all individuals, regardless of gender.

Hayashiya Anko
- Contact person :
- 阿部光広/Mitsuhiro Abe
- Position :
- Rakugoka/落語家
Last update : 23 Mar. 2024

Surrounded by paper and brushes, Hokusai and his daughter live a meagre life as painters.
Although Hokusai's daughter, Ōi, is not allowed to establish herself as an artist, she receives an order for a painting as "Ōi," a name she had long aspired to inherit.
At the same time, her father falls ill, and Ōi, while having to support her father, starts to establish herself as a painter. However, when they were unable to continue their art due to restrictions imposed by the shogunate, they went West of Edo (today’s Tokyo), to the small town of Obuse, in today’s Nagano Prefecture, where with the help of their patron, Takai Kōzan, and completed a painting of phoenixes.
After completing the work, Ōi’s father and master, Hokusai suddenly died. She continued to work painting nishiki-e (multi-coloured woodblock printing) for a living, Ōi meets a woman who entices her to take up the challenge of her masterpiece "Yoshiwara Night Scene” (Yoshiwara Kōshi Saki no Zu).