My name is Ryota Kanazashi.I'm professional Japanese-drum"Wadaiko" player and composer of japanese drums,a traditional japanese instrument.
I live in Okinawa, Japan and play and teach Wadaiko all over the world.
I have several groups.
"Soranari" is a husband and wife unit that plays Japanese drums and shinobue(Japanese transverse simon-bamboo flute).URL https://www.soranari.com
"Ha-ya-to" is a Japanese drumming unit consisting of three brothers who have performed all over the world.
Movie URL https://youtu.be/1ONYh-CU2Ao
"Himukashi" is a four-member wadaiko unit that cherishes the traditional "Edo" style of drumming.
Movie URL https://youtu.be/KFnzd2EsghQ
"FKB" is a unit of Tsugaru shamisen and Japanese drums.
Movie URL https://youtu.be/7CnDAiUzvPU
Thank you.

Ryota Kanazashi
- Contact person :
- Ryota Kanazashi
- Position :
- Professional japanese-drum"Wadaiko" player and composer
Last update : 14 Oct. 2021