Meet Up ECoC!European Capital of Culture

Meet Up ECoC!European Capital of Culture

Senga Art & Space

Contact person :
Mayano Onodera
Position :
Senga Artist / Owner of Senga Art & Space
Link :
I am a senga artist. I create artworks by cutting washi, the traditional handmade Japanese paper recognized for its distinctive texture. I also use dyed washi that allows me to portray different moods and nuances. My senga artworks are produced by utilizing both the texture and the aesthetic versatility of dyed washi.

My main motifs are “things that has no shape or form such as light, wind, air as well as time, thoughts and other abstract ideas. I depict things that cant be held or touched by hands by cutting out a variety of shapes and rearrange them together like a collage. While I sometimes do take on the visible motifs including still life, flowers and animals, it is the meaning behind the presence of these objects that I place the most emphasis on. If I felt necessary, I would add a poem to help viewers interpret the artwork.

I also serve as the owner/director of Senga Art & Space Gallery in Tokyo where I host seasonal and special senga exhibitions. In addition, I collaborate with other senga artists to co-create artworks as well as to organize international exhibitions that would provide senga artists from around the world the opportunities to exhibit their works.
I am also active in promoting senga and washi to the new audiences both in Japan and abroad. During the summer, I host a traveling exhibition series with workshops for beginners.

As a senga artist and a gallery owner, I am involved in all phases of senga-related activities, from the production and exhibition of senga works to hosting of workshops and educational seminars.

Last update : 17 Sep. 2021


“Light Flood”
180x180mm (4 panels)
(c) Mayano Onodera

“Rose Plum & White Plum”
(c) Mayano Onodera

“The Hare of Inaba”
2700x2400mm (6 scrolls)
(c) Kenshi Yoshida, Chiaki Minamidate, Harumi Hino, Takashi Takahashi, Mayano Ondear

Curriculum vitae