Meet Up ECoC!European Capital of Culture

Meet Up ECoC!European Capital of Culture


#MeetArtist: Dancer Misato Shimizu “It Was All Yellow”/ 清水美紗都 ダンス公演『すべて黄色だった。』


A collaborative work by contemporary dancer Misato Shimizu and pianist Sayoko Kono. Please come to the venue to see the “yellow” that they will paint with dance and piano!


“It Was All Yellow”

Time & Date: Sat., 20th November 2021, 13:00/18:00
Venue: Saitama Arts Theatre, Adaptable Hall

—–Message from Artist—–
Sayoko Kawano (music) and Misato Shimizu (dance) have collaborated on the theme of the colour yellow.
Yellow is a warm and cheerful colour that evokes images of the sun, stars and sunflowers.
A colour that draws attention and warns of danger at railway crossings, traffic lights and signs.
Also, Asian hate is a serious issue right now over the world.
This work depicts the duality of yellow.

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