Meet Up ECoC!European Capital of Culture

Meet Up ECoC!European Capital of Culture


Registration manual

There are two purposes to ask Japanese artists/Japan-based artists to register the portfolio on this website.

1: To make it easy to find your official website and portfolio. 

Sometimes, we do not always get the same search result with a search engine such as Google, which is always localized by the location and the settings of language. Guiding organizers of European Capital of Culture to reach your website/ portfolio more easily, we ask you to register the contact information as well as your official website/SNS.

2: To share your information with organizers of the European Capital of Culture more widely.

We have asked artists to bring your printed portfolio to the even before. But if there is a portfolio online, it is easier to share among organizers and artists who are interested in the collaborations with Japanese artists/Japan-based artists.

You can modify your “my page” anytime. As a place for the first contact between artists and organizers, please upload the contact information, portfolio as well as your representative works.

For these purposes, we do not receive the printed materials from artists at the event. Thank you for your understanding and using the website Meet Up European Capital of Culture.

If you are organizers related to European Capital of Culture, please feel free to contact artists on this website and get started the communication for the future!