I worked for music industry as a manager and an A&R for almost 30 years, dealt with THE BLUE HEARTS, BEAT CRUSADERS and much more bands. Now I became a manager for an animation director and a Kimono designer. Animation director : Ryo Hirano, also works as a comic writer of \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"FANTASTIC WORLD\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" which published in French, Spanish & Japanese, will be in English soon. Kimono designer : KISABURO, an unique talent that made a kimono for Japanese Shogi Champion, Mr. YOSHIHARU HABU, also made some kimonos for NHK\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s comic program \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"LIFE\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" and a famous animation \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"KImetsu No Yaiba\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". My team of creators is called FOGHORN.

Last update : 19 May. 2022