Born in Hyogo, Japan. 1998 Beginning of self-taught photographic career. In 2009, “Hotel Fareast, a collection of photographs taken over a five-year period on overseas travelers visiting Japan, won Photo Documentary Nippon Award (Guardian Garden). The collection, titled “Hotel Fareast, was published in 2009 by AKAAKA art publishing. (This “Hotel Fareast project is still ongoing over ten years)
In 2011, immediately after the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, Washio went on fieldwork with Natsuki Ikezawa, a Japanese author/poet, in the affected areas. The outcome of the joint fieldwork were a publication “Haru wo Urandari Shinai and a photography book “On The Horizon. In 2014, “To The Sea a collection of photographs of coastlines across Japan taken over fifteen years, will be published by AKAAKA art publishing, in cooperation with Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézioa Nobel Prize novelist.
Recent work is a photography book \"Station\" , portraits of refugees who had fled their homes and headed to Europe.

Last update : 15 Nov. 2021