Meet Up ECoC!European Capital of Culture

Meet Up ECoC!European Capital of Culture

Junichi Nagata Social Art / Unit Ulus

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We at Social Art burn rice husks in the rice fields after the harvest to make rice husk smoked charcoal using ceramic chimneys, which are also objects symbolising the power of birth. The smoked charcoal fertilises the earth's soil as it sends a plume of smoke into the sky. The landscape of circulation and regeneration that connects heaven and earth represents a magnificent principle of nature that surrounds man, and the experience through the five senses is also art. Agriculture and art are not separate in nature, but are filled with powerful energy that creates new life. It is also something common to the world. We want to manifest a place of creation that makes use of the natural environment, culture and history of the place. Last year we launched Signal Fire simultaneously in Japan and on the West Coast of the USA as a Breath of the Earth. We want to continue to share with everyone the nostalgic yet new landscapes where agriculture and art are combined in different parts of the world.

Last update : 21 Mar. 2024


Mud garden

Mud Universe

Tea ceremony in the Mud house

Curriculum vitae