Kris has been interested in Peace Activism since childhood, she works on the theme of Diversity and Harmony, traveling diverse worlds, connecting people from different cultures and creating new values through Collaboration and Dialogue. Her borderless approach crosses Arts, Design, Craft and Entertainment to create project-based work with open-mindedness. Since 2008, she has been engaged in the creation of Social Entertainment Projects involving citizens from communities of different backgrounds and ideologies. In response to the issue of community division, she has developed a methodology for the installation of shared, successful experiences of overcoming community division in the everyday lives of participants. In 2010, after being diagnosed with osteosarcoma, she got involved in Disability Advocacy and founded the non-profit organization SLOW LABEL. From 2014 to 2020, she produced the Yokohama Paratriennale, an international contemporary art festival with the city of Yokohama and SPIRAL / Wacoal Art Center, improving accessibility in creative environments for people with disabilities and developing new specialists called Access Coordinators and Accompanists. Since 2017, she has produced the Japanese first Social Circus Company SLOW CIRCUS, supported by Cirque du Soleil. In the Tokyo2020 Paralympics Opening Ceremony, she fully supervised the show from a DEI perspective, including concept development, choreography, casting, rehearsal management and audio-visual guide for spectators as Stage Advisor.

Last update : 19 Jul. 2024