TOOWA2 is Japanese independent filmmaker. A longtime street dancer and performer, TOOWA2 started film making & VJ by self-taught. So far, he has produced a lot of videos, mostly related to advertising and has directed Evangelion REMIX DVD, documentary film "100 people Love the Earth" screened at the Aichi Expo.
Also, his shortfilm ENSEMBLE episode01&02(2015) is selected in 68th Cannes Film Festival shortfilm corner and Raindance film festival, Brooklyn film festival, Bucheon International Film Festival. Incidentally, "ENSMBLE" is also evaluated by Fashion Photographer Nick Knight who known as director of LADY GAGAs MV "Born This WAY".
Aside from his work as film director, TOOWA2 is also in high demand as VJ. His ability to move freely across the borders of fashion, dance music, and culture has earned him calls from companies such as Bvlgari and Maserati to VJ their reception parties.
Aside from his work as a VJ, TOOWAII is also in high demand as a FILM DIRECTOR. His shortfilm is selected in 68th Cannes Film Festival and Raindance Filmfes, Bucheno International Fantastic Film Festival.
Now, he is one of the most cutting edge VJ and Film director in Japan,
and he is preparing for making a feature film.

Last update : 13 May. 2024