Meet Up ECoC!European Capital of Culture

Meet Up ECoC!European Capital of Culture

Sato Yamada

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新潟県出身。高校の創作ダンス部にてダンスと出会い、そこからのめり込む。男性ダンスカンパニー「Timpany」や派生ユニット「散歩マスター」メンバー。アクロバットが苦手すぎて全身を砂に打ち付けることが趣味になってしまった男。オールジャンルダンスコンテストNextream21 2019にて最優秀賞受賞。横浜ダンスコレクション2020コンペティションⅡファイナリスト。鈴木ユキオ主宰のYUKIO SUZUKI projects所属。 I was born in Niigata. I have started contemporary dance since high-school student. And he has became addicted to contemporary dance. I am a member of \"Timpany\" and \"Sampo master\". All the members of that team are men. I am not good at acrobatics. So my hobby is hitting the whole body on the sand. I won the grand prize in dance contest \"Nextream21 2019\". Yokohama Dance Collection competitionⅡ finalist. And I belong to a dance company run by Yukio Suzuki.

Last update : 13 Jan. 2022

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