I have had cancer and experienced the death of my younger sister at the same timing in 2004, since then I started meditation.
I visited India in 2010 and participated in an art workshop.
Through the workshop and staying in India, I felt my life energy revive.
Since then, I have been attending meditative art therapy workshops in India every year as a staff member.
Art speaks to our hearts.
By hanging art on the wall in a room, I feel that the place gains power and a protective barrier can be created.
Painting happens naturally, not as an act.
In the progress of creation, I witness a being appears from the artwork.
With such a being, I go back and forth between light and darkness, integration happens, and then the being ~informed of~ notifies the completion of the work.
I would like my work to be the "guardian", "protective barrier", and "window connecting to someplace" for him or her and deliver them to people all over the world.
Also, I hope my work will help people remember their own light and that will illuminate the mother earth from their places.
Last update : 02 Jul. 2024