I am currently working with MN Dance Company (Slovenia) as a member of the ensemble. I started to dance ballet with Ikuko Watanabe Studio (Japan). When I was 17 years old, moved to Europe and trained at Elmhurst School for Dance (UK). During the education performed in Greece and recoded RAD AdvanceⅡ as a video model. After graduation I worked with the National Opera and Ballet “Oleg Danovski in Romania for 2 years. After that danced at the Budapest Dance Theatre (Hungary) until 2018. During that period joined some projects with ODD Continent (Amsterdam). From 2019 started as a freelance dancer and choreographer based in Berlin. I performed self-choreographed works and one of them won 3rd prize in the NCC Competition (Netherlands). From 2021 working with MN Dance Company; part of European Capital of Culture GO! 2025 Nova Goricia - Gorizia.
I really appreciate for everyone who meets and helps to let me dance. I hope I can see you some day on the stage!!

Eri Nishibara
- Contact person :
- Eri Nishibara
- Position :
- Dancer
Last update : 17 Nov. 2024

"The DistANCE"
The notion of distance is peculiar to modern society and is very well known. It is about social and physical distance, distancing the individual on a physical and, consequently, also on a social, mental and spiritual level. With the modern way of life and the introduction of digital technology, contacts between people are decreasing, impoverished, and formalized. Modern inventions for improving human life certainly work, but at the same time, they interfere with millennia-old established ways of life, natural patterns of living, biological rhythms, social life of humans, which threaten human physical and mental health. The distance, which took on special dimensions in the half-past period of covid, deepened the gap between people, alienation, individualism, and the distance of man from himself, which is already present in modern society. At the same time, it also accelerated the development of digital society and artificial intelligence. It is the latter, which has recently been on an explosive rise, that opens up new possibilities for the technological progress of mankind, but at the same time potentiates the most dangerous form of distance - distance from reality, which man as a social animal needs so much.
Current dance performance does not distance itself from pressing social issues and dance touches the essence of human existence - closeness. Closeness to the body, fellow human being, co-creator, the world and the planet we live on. With an international cast of dancers, MN Dance Company in co-production with SNG Nova Gorica will contribute to the motto of uniting and connecting, overcoming all distances, which ECOC 2025 carries.
Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia
Ana Kržišnik Blažica
Mateja Starič
Cello Player
Klemen Hvala
Designer of scenic elements
Gorazd Prinčič
Mask creator
Hana Huseinspahic
Light Designer
Matjaž Bajc
Sound Designer
Stojan Nemec
Urban Košir
Michal Rynia
Oksana Sur
Nastja Bremec Rynia, Marie De Silva, Noemi Capuano, Paula Garcia, Eri Nishibara,
Luka Vodopivec, Michal Rynia, Luca Marchi,
Rebecca Granzotto, Tjaša Bucik, Iva Mačus,
Iva Ilievska, Erica Modotti
Zavod MN Produkcija - MN DANCE COMPANY, Zavod GO! 2025,
In co-production with SNG Nova Gorica and Cankarjev dom Ljubljana.
The performance is part of the ECOC GO! 2025 official program - project Borderless Body.
Supported by
Ministry of Culture R Slovenia, Municipality of Nova Gorica, GO! 2025
"The only reality we cannot deny is the one we feel in our body."

“Perpetuum Mobile”
A perpetuum mobile, a hypothetical machine that moves endlessly without energy supply, is a miracle and clearly expresses the striving of a human to researching the new, even the impossible. The production is dedicated to the 570th anniversary of the visionary, artist, architect and inventor Leonardo da Vinci, who attempted to create a perpetuum mobile himself, but soon denied that it could be built. Although his genius placed him far ahead of his time, he was not able to create endless motion, but he nevertheless remained an assiduous searcher of the new and the excellent.
"We are researching the perpetuity of the movement and the infinity of new discoveries that were so dear to master da Vinci. We like to create something out of nothing – of merely our bodies."
Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia
Choreographers and Authors of Visual Image
Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia
Ana Kržišnik Blažica
Light Designer
Matjaž Bajc
Sound Designer
Matej Čelik
Props Designer
Gorazd Prinčič
Fabris Šulin, Urban Kosir
Aljoša Kravanja, Damir Ipavec
Marco Arzenton, Noemi Capuano, Rebecca Moriondo, Nastja Bremec Rynia, Michal Rynia, Dalma Kitley, Francesco Misceo, Eri Nishibara, Robbie Pitt, Helén Tamaskó, Luka Vodopivec, Karelis Zambrano
Zavod MN Produkcija, MN Dance Company
SNG Nova Gorica, CD Ljubljana
Supported by
Ministry of Culture R Slovenija and MONG

"To The Moon and Back"
Human imagination has always been fuelled by ideas about life beyond the here and now, beyond this world, beyond the possibilities of ordinary existence. How to transcend yourself, the limitations of the human body and mind, the limitations of our planet. To travel to other worlds, to meet other intelligences that may exist somewhere. Once upon a time, a man tried to establish contact with life outside of himself through magic and religious customs, then through science, tried to travel to the moon, today through the research of artificial intelligence, which is supposed to finally surpass the human mind. What the future holds for us is, of course, uncertain, but it is certain that a man will persist in his path of spreading awareness and getting to know the world and discover worlds that have been unknown to him so far.
Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia
Dramaturgical Consultan
Ana Kržišnik Blažica
Mateja Starič
Cello Player
Klemen Hvala
Costume and Special Effect Designers
Gorazd Prinčič, Robert Žiković
Light Designer
Matjaž Bajc
Sound Designer
Stojan Nemec
Fabris Šulin
Camera assistant
Aljaž Novak
Aljoša Kravanja
Nastja Bremec Rynia, Denise Camassa, Noemi Capuano, Atara Fink, Eri Nishibara, Clémence Olivier, Luka Vodopivec, Michal Rynia,
Zavod MN Produkcija, Zavod GO! 2025 In cooperation with SNG Nova Gorica
The performance is part of the EPK GO! 2025' project Borderless Body