I create my work using a method called self-transformation. I am trying to question the morphology and its transformations behind natural phenomena continuously.
When I went to Germany as an exchange student, I couldn\'t speak German well enough. Day after day, I just went to the atelier and went back to home. At that time, I noticed a flower unknown to me that bloomed on the roadside and I felt a strong vitality in the leaves that supported the flowers. I tried to transform myself into one of its leaves. To just stand there, trying to support the flower - This was much harder than I thought. But I felt like I could understand just a little bit about the leaves although I could not talk to them In this way, self-transformation has become a wordless communication for me.
At the same time in Germany, Jochen Breme, a sculptor whose work is based on \" embryology\", introduced me to Goethe\'s plant metamorphosis theory. This led my \"self-transformation\" to the next step, \"relationship between place and form\".
\"Place\" is one of the important motifs in my work. When I create, I visit the places I have specified as motifs and gather information through real experiences. The results of these studies have been embodied as paintings and video works in recent years.
Sonoda Takashi
Last update : 08 Jun. 2022