- #MeetECoC! Echoes of Calling – Gushland – Akiko Kitamura
- #MeetArtist: 86B210 Space Experiment LABO Beyond the Line
- #MeetArtist: The Screening Event of Takayuki Yoshida’s Collected Short Films
- #MeetArtist: PUPPET THEATRE PUK the 50th anniversary!!!
- #MeetArtist: Ensemble Sonne “2022 SORA”
- #MeetArtist #TuneUpforECoC!: Takashi Sonoda Solo Exhibition “Auch ich werde von Möwen beobachtet”
- #MeetArtist: Piano & Dance Film “YELLOW” by Sayoko Kawano (Piano) and Misato Shimizu (Dance)
- 2022年欧州文化首都開幕情報!Opening of the three ECoCs!!
- #MeetArtist 広報プログラム募集中!
- #MeetECoC! Which city will be the European Capital of Culture 2026 in Slovakia?